I set off to my favourite brand store to purchase some makeup items the other day.
The sales girl, young and beautiful, wearing tastefully done everyday makeup, offers to assist choosing the colour tone that suits me the most. While she is sampling and applying the different colours on my face, she just happens to make a note about how tanned my skin is and how much she would like to have the same, instead of her fair complexion. I can't help but ask: "Why would you want that?", and she replies "well that's what everybody needs, nice tanned skin, isn't it?"
I say nothing, and so we continue discussing the different products I was planning to buy.
She comes to the cashier with me to check me out, I pay, thank her for her help. But before I am about to leave I look at her and say "And by the way, your complexion complements your other features beautifully".
The girl looks at me, her eyes lit up, and she gives me the biggest most beautiful smile.
Suddenly her entire being suddenly starts glowing.
There, there. The secret ingredient to your perfect makeup.
(For more about makeup, secret ingredients and photographs check back later. )